The Page Doctor Community

The Page Doctor community is a membership group dedicated to collaboration and continuous learning among students, academics and scholars worldwide. Our community is designed to empower and elevate your academic pursuits through a comprehensive range of exclusive benefits and resources.

📅 Weekly Events

Stay engaged and inspired with our thought-provoking weekly events. These events will include 'How To' tutorials, such as 'How To Use ChatGPT' or 'How To Use Mendeley for Automatic Referencing'. These tutorials will all be recorded, so if you happen to miss it, your membership allows you to re-watch it at your convenience.

🧑‍🏫 Masterclasses

Take your expertise to new heights with our immersive masterclasses led by distinguished experts in diverse academic disciplines. These intensive sessions delve into advanced subject matter, research methodologies, and professional development strategies, offering you an opportunity to enhance your academic skills. These masterclasses are open to the public and are paid, but for you, they will be included in this membership.

📌 Courses

Unlock a vast array of specialised courses curated by top academics and educators. Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of your primary field or explore interdisciplinary topics, our courses provide comprehensive and in-depth learning experiences that cater to your academic interests and career goals. Existing courses include topics such as time-management, thesis writing and designing an academic poster. These courses will all be available to you as part of the membership.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Accountability Groups

Achieve your academic aspirations with the support of like-minded peers. Our accountability groups provide a nurturing environment where members encourage and motivate one another to set and accomplish ambitious goals. Share progress, receive feedback, and celebrate milestones together on your journey towards academic excellence.

⌛ 15-Minute Monday Planning Sessions

During these quick-fire sessions, you will be guided through planning for the week. Facilitated by Dr Amina Yonis, these sessions offer personalised guidance, expert insights and actionable advice to help you streamline your efforts and maximise your impact that week. They also ensure you have reflected on the previous week, to do things better next time.

🧠 Knowledge Bank

Immerse yourself in our vast and ever-growing knowledge bank. This bank includes scholarly resources, research papers, useful books and other handy resources. Access a wealth of information curated by fellow members and esteemed scholars, enabling you to stay at the forefront of advancements in your field.

🧬 Ask a PhD

Do you have a burning question and need an answer quickly? Drop a question to our PhD community and you'll receive a response within minutes. Need to know if you've referenced correctly or if your title sounds good? We can help you here. Just drop a message in the chat for some expert advice. Lucky you - tapping into the brightest academic minds!

As a Page Doctor Community member, you will be an integral part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing knowledge, nurturing talent and pushing the boundaries of academic achievement.

Elevate your academic journey, connect with remarkable minds, and embark on a transformative learning experience with us.

Join now and embrace a world of limitless intellectual possibilities.


Join The Page Doctor community dedicated to collaboration and continuous learning. You will be part of a vibrant community with weekly masterclasses, productivity planning and study sessions. Let's graduate together!

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£10 a month

The Page Doctor Community
